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Immigration to Canada

stable welfare and
Unlimited opportunities in North America at the same time

Is Your Canadian Permanent Residency Route Really Safe?

Canadian permanent residency is different from the US or Australia.
Each state has different immigration procedures and requirements.  It is difficult to understand at a glance.

Taking advantage of this information gap, some agencies
They are leading customers down a difficult path or charging excessive charges according to their own interests.

Pay attention to the following things!

payment of compensation to the employer

Giving money to an employer in return for sponsorship or paying back a salary is not allowed.
This is clearly illegal under Canadian law.
If you invest a little more time and prepare, you can acquire permanent residence in Canada in a normal enough way.

Pointless immigration

Some federal immigration systems and some state immigration programs allow you to obtain permanent residency on a point-by-point basis. 
However, point-based immigration means competition with other applicants.
Some agencies deceive customers by packaging acceptable scores with scores that guarantee permanent residency.
It is true that immigration to Canada is easier compared to Australia or the United Kingdom.

It must be carefully considered and checked for realistic feasibility.

exorbitantly high service charges

There is no set fee for immigration services, but you should always be suspicious of fees that are too low or too high. 
For other reasons, such as compensation payable to the employer
There may be cases where you charge too much, ranging from 30 million won to 60 million won. 
You can prepare for permanent residence normally and safely at a reasonable cost.


In a new place
The challenge
CIC will be with you

Immigration to Canada is different from the United States or Australia.
Each state has different conditions.
As difficult and complex as it is, it is suitable for your own conditions
If you are preparing to immigrate to the program
Anyone can acquire a permanent residence permit

CIC pursues a sustainable vision

More priority to the interests of customers of company profits now
We believe that this is the competitiveness that can lead us for 10 to 20 years.

미묘한 모양 투명

추천에서 추천으로 이어지는
CIC의 ​성공케이스


In a new place
The challenge
CIC will be with you

Immigration to Canada is different from the United States or Australia.
Each state has different conditions.
As difficult and complex as it is, it is suitable for your own conditions
If you are preparing to immigrate to the program
Anyone can acquire a permanent residence permit

Benefits of Permanent Residents of Canada

Benefits of Permanent Residents of Canada

Canada is a representative country with the best social welfare system in the world. In particular, the subsidy policy for child rearing, the unemployed, the poor, and the elderly is excellent, so you can receive various social security benefits according to your needs. Canada's social security system was established in 1981, and the federal, provincial and local governments provide welfare benefits to applicants who are deemed eligible. A high-quality social welfare system has greatly contributed to Canada's position as a preferred country for immigration. When you receive permanent residence in Canada, there are no restrictions on residence, real estate acquisition, employment, business, and study, and you can exercise your natural rights as a citizen, and you can also invite your family.

In addition, if you obtain Canadian citizenship, you can live and enter the United States with a simple procedure, so you can enjoy these benefits of Canada and enjoy unlimited opportunities in the world's largest market, the United States.

  • ✉️ 그린카드란?
    그린카드는 미국으로가는 골든티켓으로 불리며 미국영주권을 뜻합니다. 신청인은 미국에서 영구적으로 체류할수 있고 고용된 회사에 근무하며 새로운 삶을 시작할 수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 혜택
    그린 카드를 이용해 미국의 세계적 수준의 교육, 강력한 국가 경제, 다양한 인종,지리적, 기후적 다양성등 투표권을 제외한 모든 권리를 미국시민권자와 같이 누릴수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 유효기간
    영주권은 최초 10년 동안 유효하며 이후 10년 단위로 갱신할 수 있고 미국거주 5년후 시민권이 신청이 가능합니다. 매년 제한된 수의 취업이민 비자만 발급 되기 때문에 최대한 서두르셔야 합니다.

​Canada Immigration Overview

Immigration to Canada (EXPRESS ENTRY)

Immigration program under the Unified Immigration Act at the federal level of Canada

Canadian Provincial Immigration (PNP)

Immigration programs under each state's immigration laws

Immigration to Canada is divided into federal immigration and provincial immigration. First, federal immigration is an immigration program based on the unified immigration law of the Canadian federal government, and is conducted in the form of an EE (Express Entry) point system. Immigration methods through EE are broadly divided into specific technician exchange FST (Federal Skilled Trade), independent skilled migrant FSW (Federal Skilled Worker), and experience immigration CEC (Canadian Experience Class) categories.

캐나다 연방이민.png
캐나다 주정부이민.png

Second, State Immigration (PNP) is an immigration program prepared according to the immigration laws amended by each state, and conditions vary depending on the type of state immigration. State immigration has the characteristic that immigration laws or the number of people selected per year change depending on the status of each state. The provinces that operate the provincial immigration program are Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Saskatchewan, BC, Alberta, and Ontario.

Canadian immigration with as many opportunities as there are types

Since there are many variables depending on the region and program, it must be decided through expert consultation.
By reviewing state government programs and various pilot programs in 10 states and 3 territories,

We recommend the best program for you.


Federal Immigration Express entry

If you have Canadian experience

fastest and most advantageous

직장 동료

State Employment Immigration

Canadian Permanent Residency Standard

Employment and permanent residency at the same time


Immigration after study abroad

study and residency

at the same time

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